All winners including those that place in each category and the Overall winner and runner up will be announced in the September/October issue!
They are our loyal companions, protectors, and trusted sidekicks and they just bring us so much joy. It’s finally time to cast your votes in our 2021 Delta Dog Contest!
Voting is open now through Friday, Aug 6. You may vote for ONLY ONE dog in each category during that time.
Votes will determine category winners: First, Second, and Third in each category. Overall winner and honorable mention will be chosen by the Delta Magazine editing team.
All winners’ photos will be published in the September/October issue and the owner will receive a complimentary one-year subscription.
Not a subscriber? Sign up TODAY so you don’t miss receiving your own copy of the September/October issue! Click Here
* For all questions regarding entries, email Please include Delta Dog Contest in the subject line.

Sporting Dogs
They are your partner and constant companion, and they work as hard as you do out in the field or in a duck blind.
Dogs at Play
We want to see them having fun doing what they love most; catching frisbees, swimming with the kids, riding in your truck, car or bike basket—whatever makes them smile!
Adopted or Rescued Dogs
Whether you adopted them or they adopted you from a shelter, the street, or a turnrow—Send us a photo of your rescue dog!
Wiggly, sweet and a little smelly—who doesn’t love puppies? We want to see yours!